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Use your phone to unlock your car. This causes the closest door (or the trunk) to unlock. Once the person is subsequently inside the car, the proximity of their phone to the device likewise enables the vehicle's 'start engine' button. Using your phone to unlock your car is now one step closer to reality. Indeed, a number of car companies have already pledged that upcoming models of their automobiles will depend upon smartphones rather than physical keys, including Audi, Lincoln, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, and Volvo. If your car manufacturer has provided a phone app that can be used to unlock your vehicle, that is what you should use to open it. If you have a service such as OnStar, you can request that your vehicle is unlocked remotely. But you can't simply transmit the signal from your key fob through your cell phone to unlock your car. Hold your (or anyone’s) cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the other person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the phone. Your car will unlock. And it works. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. How to Open Your Car Door With Your Cell Phone. OnStar is one such service, and comes equipped on dozens of GM vehicles. In fact, there might be an app you can use to unlock your car remotely on your phone via a service like OnStar. Check out the myGMC app, for example, in the Google Play store for Android phones.

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